2 minutes barfi

This recipe is very unique in the sense that it is prepared in just few minutes and it also very delicious. Though ingredients are little bit costly but when compared with market price, it’s price is half of what we get same amount in market.

Ingredients required to make this barfi:

Desiccated coconut – 4 cup (300gm)
condensed milk – 400gm
cashew & pistachio 7-8 each
cardamom powder- 1/4 tsp

Step by step recipe of 2 minutes barfi is:

  • Grease a tray to set barfi. If possible use butter paper. If you are using butter paper still grease it.
  • Add condensed milk – 400 gm in pan. Keep flame low. This condensed milk is already sweetened so need of adding extra sugar.
  • Now add desiccated coconut – 4 cups (300gm). Mix well for 1-2 minutes and turn OFF flame.
  • Add cashew 7-8 and cardamom powder – ¼ tsp and mix them well.
  • Take out barfi mixture in a greased tray and spread evenly and level it. Garnish with some pistachio.
  • Cool down and cut barfi. Now you can serve this barfi as it ready.


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